Office Hours

Office Hours
Office Hours by Folklore

Folklore Office Hours provides access to members of our investment team. Ask fundraising questions or receive feedback on your pitch. Take your pick of who you’d like to chat with depending on your product and industry.

Please read - FAQs

What can we cover during Office Hours?

From our experience, the best Office Hours sessions are those where we genuinely discuss what's top of mind for founders.

Topics we can cover include:

  • Fundraising advice including our opinions on when to fundraise, your company's biggest risks from an investor's perspective, market valuations and feedback on your fundraising pitch
  • Feedback on your idea or product including finding product market fit, business models, market sizing and pricing considerations
  • Guidance on go to market, PR and comms including when to double down on PR and marketing, key channels to prioritise and strategic approaches to consider

How will you pick who gets a time slot during office hours?

We love to meet founders – no formal application process, 'warm intros' or referrals needed. We only ask that you please read through all of the FAQs here before booking a session to note what we do and do not cover.

All bookings will also be reviewed and your session may be assigned to someone else on the team who we feel is best-suited for the topics you're keen to discuss.

Should I use my Office Hours slot to pitch you for investment?

First of all, thanks for considering us as a potential investment partner. We'd be happy to give pitch feedback during this slot, but Office Hours isn't the right channel for an actual pitch. If you would like to do a formal pitch for your pre-seed or seed round then please check out what we’re looking for in investments here.

Can I have more than one session and/or book with more than one person?

If you would like to have another session please make sure there's a 3-month gap between sessions, even if you're selecting a different person from the team. This is so we can ensure fairness for other founders.